ICEEE or International Conference on Early and Elementary Education is a collaborative webinar between early chilhood education and primary schoool teacher education which was held on saturday 29 May 2021 ago with the theme ” Widening the participation for students learning and characters during the digital and pandemic era” with speakers : Assoc. Prof. Kay Margetts from University of Melbourne, Australia, Dr. Fitri Soraya Muhammad from University of Malaysia Serawak, Sri Slamet, M.Hum., M.Pd from University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta and Yustri Mindaryani, S.Pd from SDIT Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar.
The implementation of the webinar in order to improve the quality of teacher to face the digital era during the pandemic. Attended by less than 300 students majoring in early childhood education and primary school teacher eduacation.
I hope that by holding this webinar, we can add to our knowledge and improve the quality of education during the pandemic.